Client: Global Wind Service – Topic: Strategy Client: Flügger – Topic: Strategy Flügger – Securing the legacy Client: Skoda – Topic: Strategy Client: the Danish Military – Topic: IT-system Client: Flügger – Topic: Strategy Client: Siemens – Topic: Process Client: Novo Nordisk – Topic: IT systems Client: Novo Nordisk – Topic: IT systems Client: Ørsted – Topic: IT security awareness Client: Ørsted – Topic: IT security awareness Client: Region Sjælland – Topic: Having a substance abuse and a diagnosis ”Udfordringen med dobbeltdiagnosticerede” Client: Region Sjælland – Topic: Having a substance abuse and a diagnosis (”Udfordringen med dobbeltdiagnosticerede”) Client: State + Deloitte – Topic: Three films about educational choices (1:3) Undervisningsministeriet – Udsyn i udskolingen (forvaltningen) Client: Nordic States – Topic: Nordic Smart Government Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa igennem 1000 år – I ord og tegninger: Europa som myte og ide” (1:5) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa igennem 1000 år – I ord og tegninger: Europas folk og grænser” (2:5) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa igennem 1000 år – I ord og tegninger: Handel og entreprenørskab i Europa# (3:5) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa igennem 1000 år – I ord og tegninger: Best practice – ledelse i Europa i 1000 år” (4:5) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa igennem 1000 år – I ord og tegninger: Pax Europaane: Krig og Fred i Europa” (5:5) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa i krise gennem 1000 år i ord og tegninger: Det sorte århundrede” (1:3) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: “Europa i krise gennem 1000 år i ord og tegninger: 30 årskrigen – Europas dommedag” (2:3) Client: The European Parliament + DK4 – TV-show: ”Europa i krise gennem 1000 år i ord og tegninger: Moderkonflikten – 1. Verdenskrigs lange efterspil” (3:3) Client: Politimuseet – Topic: How the Werewolves Terror network was built Client: Politimuseet – Topic: How the Werewolves Terror network was built Client: KAB – Topic: Being on a waiting lists when renting a home Client: Dansk Energi – Topic: The history of renewable energy Client: Carlsberg – Topic: New Operating System Client: Carlsberg – Topic: Return on invested capital Client: DR – Topic: Opening for TV-show: “Junkie” Client: Implement Consultancy Group – Topic: Internal film